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How to Use the Claude AI API in PHP: The Ultimate Guide

    The Claude AI API allows you to harness the power of one of the most advanced AI systems available today directly from your PHP applications. Whether you want to generate long-form content, analyze text semantically, engage in contextual conversations, or leverage industry-leading content filtering, the Claude API provides the capabilities you need in a flexible, developer-friendly interface.

    In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll walk through everything you need to know to start building PHP applications with Claude AI, from basic text requests to implementing advanced features like chat and embeddings. By the end, you‘ll be equipped with the knowledge and best practices to create smooth, performant, and safe integrations that deliver cutting-edge AI to your users.

    Before You Start: Prerequisites

    Before diving into code, you‘ll need a few things to use the Claude API in PHP:

    Claude API Key

    • Sign up for an account at
    • Get your API key from the account settings page
    • Take note of the API endpoint URL

    PHP Environment

    • PHP version 7.1 or higher
    • curl extension enabled (recommended)
    • Composer to install the client library (optional but recommended)

    Test Endpoint

    • For initial development and testing, use the endpoint
    • Switch to the production endpoint when ready to deploy

    Getting Started: Installing the PHP Client Library

    While you can make HTTP requests to the Claude API directly, the easiest way to integrate it into your PHP applications is by using the official Claude PHP client library. This abstracts away many low-level details and provides a clean, idiomatic interface.

    If you use Composer, you can install the library by running:

    composer require claude-ai/claude-php

    This will download the library and its dependencies into your project. Then you can include the Composer autoloader and begin using the Claude\Client class.

    Making Your First Request: Sending Text

    The core of the Claude API is sending text requests and receiving AI-generated text responses. The PHP client makes this simple.

    First, create an instance of Claude\Client, passing your API key:

    $client = new Claude\Client(‘YOUR_API_KEY_HERE‘);

    Then, you can send a request by calling the ask() method with your input text:

    $response = $client->ask("What are Claude‘s key capabilities?");

    This will encode the request, send it to the API, and return Claude‘s generated text response. That‘s all it takes to start leveraging AI in your application!

    The ask() method also accepts an array of options to customize Claude‘s response, such as:

    $response = $client->ask(
      "Write a poem about the ocean", 
        ‘length‘ => 1000,     
        ‘temperature‘ => 0.7,
        ‘top_p‘ => 0.3

    This specifies a target length of 1000 characters, and uses temperature and top_p parameters to control the creativity and diversity of the generated text. See the full API documentation for the complete set of available options.

    Streaming Long Responses

    For longer pieces of content, you‘ll likely want to stream Claude‘s response incrementally rather than waiting for the full output. The PHP client provides a stream() method to simplify this:

    foreach ($client->stream("Write a short story about a robot learning to love") as $chunk) {
      echo $chunk;  

    This iterates over the response as it is generated, letting you display or process the text in real-time. You can also customize the separator that delimits chunks:

    $response = $client->stream(
      "What is the meaning of life?",
      [‘stream_separator‘ => ‘<|endofchunk|>‘]  

    Engaging in Conversations: Chat and Context

    A key capability of Claude is engaging in multi-turn conversations that leverage context and history to provide coherent, relevant responses. The PHP client has built-in support for chat sessions.

    To start a new chat, call startChatSession():

    $sessionId = $client->startChatSession();

    Then, provide the returned session ID with your requests to preserve context:

    $response = $client->ask("Hello! How are you doing today?", [], $sessionId);
    $response = $client->ask("What are some key world events from this past week?", [], $sessionId);

    As you continue the conversation, Claude will maintain context from previous requests. You can also explicitly provide past messages to keep the chat on track:

    $history = [  
      ["human" => "I‘m doing well! Catching up on the news.", "ai" => "That‘s great! Some key events include..."]

    $response = $client->ask("What impact might those events have?", [], $sessionId, $history);

    When you‘re done with the conversation, be sure to end the session to free up resources:


    Adding Advanced Capabilities

    Beyond generating and chatting, Claude can also help with tasks like semantic search, classification, and moderation. Here are a couple advanced features to enhance your applications.


    Claude can represent concepts numerically using embeddings – vectors that capture semantic meaning. You can generate embeddings and use them in requests:

    $embedding = $client->embedContent("The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris");

    $response = $client->ask( "What country is the Eiffel Tower located in?", [‘embedding‘ => $embedding] );

    This allows Claude to leverage semantic information to better understand queries and generate relevant responses.

    Content Filtering

    Claude offers advanced content filtering capabilities to help detect unsafe, biased, or off-topic content. You can enable filtering on the client:


    The API provides granular control over filter thresholds and categories – see the content filtering documentation for details.

    Implementing Best Practices

    To build safe, robust integrations with the Claude API, keep these best practices in mind:

    Validate User Input: Always sanitize and validate text submitted by users to prevent injection attacks and other security risks.

    Handle Errors Gracefully: Wrap API calls in try/catch blocks to catch and handle any exceptions that may be thrown by the client or API.

    Truncate Long Responses: Check the length of responses before displaying to users to avoid overwhelming them with too much text.

    Rate Limit Requests: Implement rate limiting to prevent your application from exceeding the API‘s usage limits and getting throttled.

    Monitor API Usage: Keep an eye on your usage metrics to optimize performance, control costs, and avoid surprises.

    Use Async for Background Jobs: Take advantage of asynchronous requests for long-running or bulk jobs that don‘t require an immediate response.

    Troubleshooting API Issues

    If you encounter problems while using the Claude API, here are some steps to help diagnose the issue:

    1. Double-check that your API key is correct and has the necessary permissions
    2. Verify that your requests are within the maximum length and query limits
    3. Check the Claude status page to see if there are any ongoing API issues
    4. Enable verbose logging on the PHP client to inspect the full request/response cycle
    5. Reproduce the issue using the API‘s test endpoint to rule out any problems with the production environment
    6. Consult the API documentation and PHP client README for answers to common questions
    7. Reach out to Claude‘s support team for further assistance

    Putting It All Together

    We‘ve covered a lot of ground in this guide, from making basic requests to implementing advanced features like chat sessions and content filtering. With these tools in hand, you‘re well-equipped to start building cutting-edge PHP applications powered by Claude‘s industry-leading AI.

    Some potential use cases to consider:

    • Content generation for articles, social media, and marketing copy
    • Chatbots and conversational interfaces
    • Semantic search and recommendations
    • Text analysis and classification
    • Moderation and content filtering

    The Claude API offers a powerful, flexible platform for adding AI capabilities to your products and services. By leveraging features like long responses, contextual conversations, and semantic embeddings – and following best practices around input validation, error handling, and usage monitoring – you can create robust, scalable integrations that deliver value to your users.

    I hope this in-depth guide has given you the knowledge and confidence to start building with Claude AI in PHP. The possibilities are endless – I‘m excited to see what you create! Let me know if you have any other questions.