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Lesson planner (Claude Prompt Sample)

    Craft in depth lesson plans on any subject.

    Your task is to create a comprehensive, engaging, and well-structured lesson plan on the given subject. The lesson plan should be designed for a 60-minute class session and should cater to a specific grade level or age group. Begin by stating the lesson objectives, which should be clear, measurable, and aligned with relevant educational standards. Next, provide a detailed outline of the lesson, breaking it down into an introduction, main activities, and a conclusion. For each section, describe the teaching methods, learning activities, and resources you will use to effectively convey the content and engage the students. Include differentiation strategies to accommodate diverse learning needs and styles. Finally, describe the assessment methods you will employ to evaluate students' understanding and mastery of the lesson objectives. The lesson plan should be well-organized, easy to follow, and promote active learning and critical thinking.
    Subject: Introduction to Photosynthesis
    Grade Level: 7th Grade (Ages 12-13)

    Example output

    By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
    1. Define photosynthesis and explain its importance in the ecosystem.
    2. Identify the key components necessary for photosynthesis to occur.
    3. Describe the process of photosynthesis and the role of chloroplasts.
    4. Explain the products of photosynthesis and their significance.
    Introduction (10 minutes):
    Begin the lesson by displaying images of plants and asking students to brainstorm what they know about how plants obtain energy.
    Write the word "photosynthesis" on the board and invite students to share any prior knowledge or associations with the term.
    Provide a clear, concise definition of photosynthesis and briefly explain its importance in the ecosystem.
    Main Activities (40 minutes):
    Divide the class into small groups and distribute a set of cards, each containing a key component of photosynthesis (e.g., sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, chloroplasts).
    Ask each group to discuss the components and hypothesize how they might be involved in the process of photosynthesis.
    Have each group share their ideas with the class, and then provide a more detailed explanation of each component's role in photosynthesis.
    Show a short video or animation that illustrates the process of photosynthesis, highlighting the role of chloroplasts and the chemical reaction that takes place.
    Distribute a worksheet with a diagram of the photosynthesis process and have students label the components and steps involved. Provide differentiated worksheets with varying levels of complexity to cater to different learning needs.
    Engage students in a hands-on activity where they use green leaves, iodine solution, and light sources to demonstrate the presence of starch, a product of photosynthesis. Encourage students to make observations, record data, and draw conclusions.
    Conclusion (10 minutes):
    Review the key concepts covered in the lesson by asking students to summarize the process of photosynthesis and its importance in their own words.
    Conduct a quick formative assessment using a digital quiz tool (e.g., Kahoot, Quizizz) to gauge students' understanding of the lesson objectives.
    Assign a homework task where students research and write a brief paragraph about a specific plant adaptation that enhances photosynthesis efficiency.
    Formative assessment: Digital quiz during the conclusion to assess students' understanding of key concepts.
    Summative assessment: Evaluate students' labeled diagrams of the photosynthesis process and their written paragraphs about plant adaptations.

    API request

    PythonTypeScriptAWS Bedrock PythonAWS Bedrock TypeScript
    import anthropic
    client = anthropic.Anthropic(
        # defaults to os.environ.get("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY")
    message = client.messages.create(
        system="Your task is to create a comprehensive, engaging, and well-structured lesson plan on the given subject. The lesson plan should be designed for a 60-minute class session and should cater to a specific grade level or age group. Begin by stating the lesson objectives, which should be clear, measurable, and aligned with relevant educational standards. Next, provide a detailed outline of the lesson, breaking it down into an introduction, main activities, and a conclusion. For each section, describe the teaching methods, learning activities, and resources you will use to effectively convey the content and engage the students. Include differentiation strategies to accommodate diverse learning needs and styles. Finally, describe the assessment methods you will employ to evaluate students' understanding and mastery of the lesson objectives. The lesson plan should be well-organized, easy to follow, and promote active learning and critical thinking.",
            {"role": "user", "content": "Subject: Introduction to Photosynthesis\nGrade Level: 7th Grade (Ages 12-13)"}
    import Anthropic from "@anthropic-ai/sdk";
    const anthropic = new Anthropic({
      apiKey: "my_api_key", // defaults to process.env["ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"]
    const msg = await anthropic.messages.create({
      model: "claude-3-opus-20240229",
      max_tokens: 2000,
      temperature: 1,
      system: "Your task is to create a comprehensive, engaging, and well-structured lesson plan on the given subject. The lesson plan should be designed for a 60-minute class session and should cater to a specific grade level or age group. Begin by stating the lesson objectives, which should be clear, measurable, and aligned with relevant educational standards. Next, provide a detailed outline of the lesson, breaking it down into an introduction, main activities, and a conclusion. For each section, describe the teaching methods, learning activities, and resources you will use to effectively convey the content and engage the students. Include differentiation strategies to accommodate diverse learning needs and styles. Finally, describe the assessment methods you will employ to evaluate students' understanding and mastery of the lesson objectives. The lesson plan should be well-organized, easy to follow, and promote active learning and critical thinking.",
      messages: [
        {"role": "user", "content": "Subject: Introduction to Photosynthesis\nGrade Level: 7th Grade (Ages 12-13)"}
    import anthropic_bedrock
    from anthropic_bedrock import AnthropicBedrock
    client = AnthropicBedrock(
      # Authenticate by either providing the keys below or use the default AWS credential providers, such as
      # using ~/.aws/credentials or the "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" and "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" environment variables.
      aws_access_key="<access key>",
      aws_secret_key="<secret key>",
      # Temporary credentials can be used with aws_session_token.
      # Configure AWS region - defaults to us-east-1 or AWS_REGION env var
    completion = client.completions.create(
      prompt=f"Your task is to create a comprehensive, engaging, and well-structured lesson plan on the given subject. The lesson plan should be designed for a 60-minute class session and should cater to a specific grade level or age group. Begin by stating the lesson objectives, which should be clear, measurable, and aligned with relevant educational standards. Next, provide a detailed outline of the lesson, breaking it down into an introduction, main activities, and a conclusion. For each section, describe the teaching methods, learning activities, and resources you will use to effectively convey the content and engage the students. Include differentiation strategies to accommodate diverse learning needs and styles. Finally, describe the assessment methods you will employ to evaluate students' understanding and mastery of the lesson objectives. The lesson plan should be well-organized, easy to follow, and promote active learning and critical thinking.{anthropic_bedrock.HUMAN_PROMPT} Subject: Introduction to Photosynthesis\nGrade Level: 7th Grade (Ages 12-13){anthropic_bedrock.AI_PROMPT}",
    import AnthropicBedrock from '@anthropic-ai/bedrock-sdk';
    const client = new AnthropicBedrock({
    // Authenticate by either providing the keys below or use the default AWS credential providers, such as
    // using ~/.aws/credentials or the "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" and "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" environment variables.
    awsAccessKey: '<access key>',
    awsSecretKey: '<secret key>',
    // Temporary credentials can be used with awsSessionToken.
    awsSessionToken: '<session_token>',
    // Configure AWS region - defaults to us-east-1 or AWS_REGION env var
    awsRegion: 'us-east-2',
    async function main() {
    const completion = await client.completions.create({
      model: "anthropic.claude-v2:1",
      max_tokens_to_sample: 1000,
      temperature: 0,
      prompt: `Your task is to create a comprehensive, engaging, and well-structured lesson plan on the given subject. The lesson plan should be designed for a 60-minute class session and should cater to a specific grade level or age group. Begin by stating the lesson objectives, which should be clear, measurable, and aligned with relevant educational standards. Next, provide a detailed outline of the lesson, breaking it down into an introduction, main activities, and a conclusion. For each section, describe the teaching methods, learning activities, and resources you will use to effectively convey the content and engage the students. Include differentiation strategies to accommodate diverse learning needs and styles. Finally, describe the assessment methods you will employ to evaluate students' understanding and mastery of the lesson objectives. The lesson plan should be well-organized, easy to follow, and promote active learning and critical thinking.${AnthropicBedrock.HUMAN_PROMPT} Subject: Introduction to Photosynthesis
    Grade Level: 7th Grade (Ages 12-13)${AnthropicBedrock.AI_PROMPT}`,
